Plot 1
The most urban of the Baydons Development, Plot 1 is more closely aligned to the scale of the existing houses on the lane. The mass is broken into three forms, the central core is built in stone and holds spaces that wanted a sense of enclosure and embrace such as bedrooms, utility and snug spaces. Parallel to the central core is the living wing, this is a very pure extruded form holding an open plan living space for the family which maximises light, air and active spaces. Perpendicular to the two wings is a third wing that holds circulation and utility spaces such as the garage, workshop and boot room.
Photography by Pete Helme
Sustainable measures
Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP)
Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR)
Photovoltaic panels
Natural sustainable materials and reused materials
Environmental construction policy to minimise chemical use and construction waste
Electric car charging and allocated space for future battery installation
Minimal internal structure to allow future alteration
High insulation levels (low U and Y values)
Home working space
Rain water harvesting to a large beneath ground tank
Biodiverse landscaping used